Thursday, June 11, 2015


It's been a long week and I only have one day of class, how could I be complaining? Any way there's lots to do and such little time to do it. I haven't even started to pack and I leave back home In a few days. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing as long as its maintained I guess. But my laptop is literally about to die and i have a bunch of math homework to get done so i hope this works sorry if it doesn't! I'll try better next time promise(:

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hi my name is Michelle Chasi, I moved here from New York and I'm 19 years old. School is Brooks. I started doing photography back in freshman year of high school and I haven't stopped since. Recently though I have been in a Design Class and I have been thinking of switching from Visual Journalism to Graphic Design. Any way I'm going home in a few weeks to visit family hopefully nothing goes wrong and I'll get to bring my dog with me. This semester I'm only going to school part time and yes 3 classes a day is a drag but it could be worse its better that it's one day a week and not 3 or 4. But the work does pile up and I'm trying to catch up.